
Showing posts from April, 2020

Masonic Work "Outside the Lodge"

This past Saturday (August 22nd) some of our Perry Lodge brethren gathered at the lodge for breakfast then afterward to hang the recently redone Square and Compasses on the side of Salem Masonic Temple. WB Jerry Lyda was instrumental in the process of getting the Square and Compasses painted and the old lights replaced with new LED lights and wiring. Thank you, WB Lyda, for your help. It is very much appreciated. The Square and Compasses were hung with the help of WB Ed Lydic (current Worshipful Master of Perry #185), WB Rick Sekely, Brent Spangler, Tony Waskiewicz, Garrett Yoder and Michael Caldwell. Thank you, brothers for your help Saturday.  This weekend was a tag-on to all the work that has been getting done at the Lodge/Temple over the past five or so months. Our Perry Lodge brethren have been working hard on the upkeep of the Temple - painting the restrooms, hallways, etc. upstairs and cleaning up the basement to make use of areas and rooms that haven't been used for far too

Surviving the Disease

COVID-19 This word has become one of the most heard, seen and, to some, the most fearful word of the past few months. Even though most don't completely understand what it is, or how it works, the idea of not knowing if we'll get it or how it will affect us is enough to increase fear and anxiety. Unfortunately, the time will come when we look back and the Coronavirus Pandemic will be another story in our history books and the fear we felt, the panic that sent so many to stock up as if the world was coming to its end, will seem like dream. Complacency will set back in and before long, our daily routines will continue. Thankfully, there have been no brothers in our immediate circle that have been affected by this disease. Yet, I am sure most of us have seen stories of our Masonic brothers around the world who have fallen ill, or died, from this virus. To them and their families let us offer our thoughts and prayers. As a member of our Brotherhood, we should know that we are never