Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge U.D.


Written by Worshipful Brother JR Knight, Past Master

                    Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge U.D. has been a part of the Southern California area since June 28, 2021.

                    The Lodge was founded in 2021 by members of The Invisible Lodge International, which is a "Lodge" of Magical Master Masons that formed in 1953 and includes members from many countries around the world. The founders of the YOC&B Lodge are brothers Randall Brill, Ralph C. Shelton II, William Royce Knight, Robert Pepple, David Benitez, Jonathan Dilley, Jon Gary Rick, Charles Cisneros, Floyd Orr, Adam Hanin, Alexander Rafferty, William Anthony Knight, David Alvarado, Timothy Hammond, Robert Peterson and Frank Banman. The Lodge was formed "to unite California Masonic Magicians" and provide a gathering place for its members to promote personal growth while improving the lives of others. The first Worshipful Master of Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge U.D. was William Royce Knight.

                    Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge combines the oldest and largest fraternal organization with one of the world's oldest forms of entertainment. We are dedicated to the promotion and improvement  of the art of magic. We take responsibility for the well-being of our brothers, our families and the community as a whole. We value respect, kindness, tolerance, and our differences - religious, ethnic, cultural, generational and educational, and strive for harmony in our individual lives, in our Lodge, and in the global community.

                    YOC&B Lodge is a traveling Lodge that meets quarterly in various locations around Southern California. We meet on the first Saturday of February, May, August and November. We held our Chartering Ceremony on Halloween evening, October 31, 2022. We will also be holding a joint celebration with The Invisible Lodge International to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Brother Erich "Harry Houdini" Weiss becoming a Mason, the 70th Anniversary of The Invisible Lodge International and the Chartering of Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge. This event will be on Sunday July 16, 2023 beginning at 5 pm through Monday July 17, 2023 at 2 am.

                    As a Lodge, we strive to be active in the magic community. We have various charitable and educational events throughout the year, as well as social occasions. Masonry is the world's first and largest fraternal organization. It is guided by the enduring belief that each man has the responsibility to make the world a better place. For over 300 years, Freemasonry has enhanced and strengthened the character of individual men by providing opportunities for fellowship, charity and the search for truth - within ourselves and the larger world.

                    Some famous, and historic, Masonic Magicians include: Brothers Erich "Harry Houdini" Weiss, Alexander Hermann, Harry Kellar, Howard Thurston, August Harry "Dante" Jansen, Henri "Harry Blackstone, Sr." Bouton, Lee Grabel, William Ellsworth "Chung Ling Soo" Robinson, Thomas Nelson Downs, Raymond Stanley "TAMPA" Sugden, Richard Potter, John Henry Anderson, Frederick Eugene Powell, David Leendert Bamberg, Tobias (Theo) "Okito" Bamberg, David Tobias "Fu Manchu" Bamberg, Charles Joseph "Carter the Great" Carter, Maurice "The Great Raymond" Raymond, Felicien-Francois Trevey, Brewerton "Sir Felix Korim" Clarke, Elbern Madren "John" Calvert, Billy McComb, Dr. Zina Bennett, Bert Douglas, Peter Reveen, Sid Radner, Meyer "Carl Ballantine" Kessler, J.B. Bobo, Herb Zarrow, Jack Gwynne and Buster Keaton.

For More Information about Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge U.D.:

~ Email us at

~ Please visit us online at

~ Connect with us on Facebook at

~ For more information about Freemasonry in California, visit

Magically and Fraternally,

JR Knight, PM

Websites of Interest:

Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge U.D. -

The Invisible Lodge International -

S.W. Hackett Lodge #574 -

"Freemasonry within a temple of stone
cannot be other than speculative,
but Freemasonry within the
living temple of the body is operative."

~ Manly P. Hall


1. Information was written and sent to Perry Lodge No. 185 by Worshipful Brother JR Knight, PM for use in this blog.

2. Images are from


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