Thursday, April 28, 2022

Month In Review

Perry Lodge No. 185

A Month In Review

One Day Class

Taken by W.B. Jim Hall on March 26, 2022

On March 26, 2022 New Lisbon Lodge No. 65 hosted a One Day Class as a part of our Grand Master M.W.B. Tim Wheeland’s plan for state-wide One Day Classes on the 26th. As a result of the Class, Perry Lodge had three candidates raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Congratulations to our newest Master Masons: Delbert McCallister, Jason Caldwell and Aldo Polverine II. We look forward to what Masonry has in store for them!

Perry Lodge’s

Annual Inspection

Taken by
Chelsea Barrett on December 8, 2022

Perry Lodge’s Annual Inspection was held at the Salem Masonic Temple on Wednesday March 30, 2022 in the Master Mason degree. The officers and Fellowcraft Team did very well in their presentation of the degree work.

Our most distinguished guest that night was District Deputy Grand Master Anthony Boggs, representing Most Worshipful Brother Timothy Wheeland, Grand Master of Masons of Ohio; who served as our Inspecting Officer. Other distinguished guests included Most Worshipful Brother Kevin Todd, Past Grand Master of Ohio; Right Worshipful Brother James Cardelein, District Advisor; Worshipful Brother Jim Hall, District Education Advisor; and Worshipful Brother Rik Linebaugh, President of the 24th Masonic District.

District Deputy Grand Master Anthony Boggs gave us a very good report at the end of the evening, and stated that he would recommend to Grand Lodge that the degree work was “very acceptable”. Thank you to the officers for all your hard work, and huge thank you to those who participated in the Fellowcraft Team. The help and support you show for your Lodge does not go unnoticed.

Perry Lodge No. 185

Annual Gun Raffle

Our Lodge is currently selling tickets for our upcoming Annual Gun Raffle. The drawing will be on May 14, 2022 via Facebook Live on the Perry Lodge Facebook Page. If you miss the live video, or are unable to watch, the winners will be notified by phone call of which gun they have won.

If you would like to buy tickets, or would like tickets to sell, please text Michael Caldwell at (330) 277-8202, email us at, or send a message to our Facebook page. Let us know how many tickets you would like and we can mail them to you, or try to meet up with you if possible. Tickets are $10 each and there is no limit, so you can get 1, 5, 10 or more. There will only be 750 tickets sold! Please help and support the Lodge.

2022 Memorial Day Parade

The Salem Memorial Day Parade will be held on Saturday morning May 28, 2022. Perry Lodge will be having a truck and truck and trailer in the parade this year. Any one who would like to ride, or walk, along please text Michael Caldwell at (330) 277-8202, or send a message to our Facebook page. We are planning on throwing out treats for the kids along the parade route.

We would love to have members who are veterans, or public safety, join us. We also encourage our members to include their family members in the parade float with them. Masonry is strong because of our families and we want to include them in our activities. If you are joining us, please meet us at the Temple at 8:15 am that morning. The monthly breakfast will also be that Saturday.

Salem Super Cruise 2022

The Salem Super Cruise will be held from Thursday June 9th to Saturday the 11th. We would like to invite our members and their families to sit with us on the Temple steps, or in the yard, to watch the cars. We are also planning on having a float in the Super Cruise this year and are looking for family and friends to ride on it with us.

The Salem Masonic Temple will be having a gun raffle during the Super Cruise again this year and will be set up out front of the Temple on the 9th through the 11th until 9:00 pm. Tickets will be $5/each. The drawing will be on Saturday June 11th at 9:00 pm. The guns on the raffle are as follows: Walther PPK .22 cal. Pistol and a Heritage Rough Rider .22 Revolver.

We would also like to acknowledge that Brother Dennis Plegge, who is a member of our Lodge, has taken charge of the Salem Super Cruise this year. He has put quite a bit of time and effort into the event. We would like to thank him for his hard work.

Salem Masonic Temple

100th Anniversary

The first brick of the current Salem Masonic Temple was laid on April 6, 1922. The cornerstone ceremony was held on Sunday May 7, 1922. The cornerstone was laid by Most Worshipful Brother Benjamin Franklin Perry, Jr., Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Ohio.

June 2022 marks a special 100th year Anniversary for the Salem Masonic Temple. For this reason, a celebration will be held at the Temple on Saturday June 4, 2022. There will be a cookout open to all members, local Masons and to the general public. It will be an opportunity for both fellowship and for non-Masons to see the inside of the Lodge and ask questions. All are welcome! Please stop by and visit.

Words of Wisdom:

From Worshipful Master Dan Lewis

We wish you and your family good health and prosperity. We are currently recruiting in our “making good men better” campaign. We are hopeful that a few more petitions may be turned in during the coming months.

I am pleased to announce that we have only one Past Master on the moving line and would like to keep it that way. We want to continue to have good men in our ranks and grow in our brotherhood. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and we wish you all to be blessed by the fruits of Masonry.

Perry Lodge & Salem Masonic Temple

Trestle Board

April 30: Breakfast at the Temple - $7/person; Open to the Public; 7:30 am - 10:00 am


May 5: Wild Shirt Night/Stated Meeting - Meal at 6:30 pm; Meeting at 7:30 pm

May 14: Perry Lodge Annual Gun Raffle Drawing - 7:30 pm via Facebook Live

May 28: Breakfast at the Temple - $7/person; Open to the Public; 7:30 am - 10:00 am

May 28: Salem Memorial Day Parade - Riders/Walkers please meet at the Temple at 8:15 am

May 31: Masonic Temple Blood Drive - From 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm at the Salem Masonic Temple; Please go to and choose a time to donate.


June 2: Stated Meeting - Meal at 6:30 pm; Meeting at 7:30 pm

June 4: 100th Anniversary - Celebration and picnic; 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm; Open to the Public

June 9-11: Temple Board Gun Raffle at the Super Cruise - All day until 9:00 pm


July & August: No Schedule Meetings - Follow us on Facebook to keep up on Events, Meetings and Activities for the Lodge.


Perry Lodge No. 185

788 E. State Street

Salem, Ohio 44460

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