Thursday, February 10, 2022

Perry Lodge No. 185

Belated Happy New Year, Brethren!

Thanks to Brother Brian Whitehill for hosting a "Cool" bonfire October 16th. Temps were a bit chilly but the bonfire was blazing and the dogs were hot, and we watched college football on the big screen outside.

Our Election and Installation of Officers were held on November 3rd and December 8th respectively. Our new officers are: Dan Lewis - Worshipful Master; Brian Mint - Senior Warden; Michael Caldwell - Junior Warden; Jim Forney - Treasurer; Ted Lyda - Secretary; Brent Spangler - Senior Deacon; Ryan Barrett - Junior Deacon; Mat Arnoto - Senior Steward; Garrett Yoder - Junior Steward; Jerry Lyda, Jr.  - Tyler; Steve Faber - Chaplain; Brad Lankford - Lodge Education Officer. Congratulations to all! THANKS!

After Installation of Officers, Most Worshipful Brother Kevin Todd, Past Grand Master of Ohio, presented service pins and certificates to WB Freddie Henderson (60 yr) and retired Colonel Bob McCluggage (65 yr) to recognize them for their many years of service to Masonry. A few days earlier, Right Worshipful Tony Boggs and WB Rick Sekely presented Brother Dick Dougherty his (65 yr) pin and certificate at his home as he was unable to attend Lodge that evening. After the awards presentation, a Memorial Service was conducted for the five brethren who passed in 2021: John Barnhouse, Gilbert Bartha, Bob Chapel, David Linton and James Smith. May they rest peacefully in the Celestial Lodge Above.

We would like to welcome Don Sheen and his tow sons, Don Sheen, Jr. and Lonnie Sheen, and Bob Yeager to Perry Lodge. They became members of Perry Lodge in December of 2021. Also welcome to Paul Wagner who received his Master Mason Degree in December.

The new year is starting off well with WM Dan Lewis as out fearless leader. It looks like we will have a few new candidates turning in their petitions soon, which will keep us busy with degree work for the next several months.

Our Inspection this year will be on March 30th in the Master Mason Degree. Several Lodges have held closed Inspections due to Covid19, but our intention is to have an open Inspection unless the Grand lodge of Ohio mandates otherwise. We may ask that masks and social distancing are used.

This year's Perry Lodge Gun Raffle will be held on May 14. Tickets will be $10* and will be mailed to all our members in the next few weeks with details included. Please support our Lodge and buy a few tickets.


WB Rick Sekely

*If you are interested in Gun Raffle tickets and are not a member, go to our Contact page and let us know how many you would like and what the best way would be for us to get them to you. For any other questions or comments always feel free to reach out to us in one of the multiple ways provided. 

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