A New Masonic Year

 Perry Lodge 171st Annual Installation

Back Row: WB Jim Forney; WB Ron Lankford; WB Tom Wright; WM Dan Lewis; JW Michael Caldwell; WB Alonzo Potts - Front Row: WB Jim Hall; JS Garrett Yoder; JD Ryan Barrett; WB Steve Faber; SW Brian Mint;
Br. Jerry Lyda, Jr.; SD Brent Spangler; MWB Kevin Todd; RWB Anthony Boggs; WB Rik Linebaugh

On Wednesday December 8, 2021 Perry Lodge No. 185 hosted their 171st Installation of Officers at the Salem Masonic Temple in Salem, Ohio. In a ceremony open to the public, the new officers were installed into their positions, many in the presence of some of their family and friends.

Toward the end of the ceremony Worshipful Master Dan Lewis gave the officers the opportunity to show appreciation to family and friends that came with them that night to give their support. Men graciously pointed out their wives, fiances, children, parents and brethren. As easy as it may be to overlook sometimes, Masons would not be able to accomplish what we do, or have the brotherhood that Freemasonry has provided over the years, if it wasn't for the strong support of our families. And for that, we are very grateful.

We also had some distinguished guests that we were honored to have a part of our ceremony: Most Worshipful Brother Kevin Todd, Past Grand Master of Masons of Ohio; Right Worshipful Brother Anthony Boggs, District Deputy Grand Master;  Worshipful Brother Jim Hall, District Education Officer; and Worshipful Brother Rik Linebaugh, 24th District Association President.

The newly elected Perry Lodge officers are as follows:

        Worshipful Master ~ WB Dan Lewis

        Senior Warden ~ Brian Mint

        Junior Warden ~ Michael Caldwell

        Treasurer ~ WB Jim Forney

        Secretary ~ Ted Lyda, Jr.

        Senior Deacon ~ Brent Spangler

        Junior Deacon ~ Ryan Barrett

        Senior Steward ~ Mat Arnoto

        Junior Steward ~ Garrett Yoder

        Tyler ~ Jerry Lyda, Jr.

        Lodge Education Officer ~ WB Ron Lankford

Over the last few years, Perry has grown quite a bit. We have gotten new  faces, new ideas and renewed vigor. If you read the description of our lodge given on Facebook it reads "Perry Lodge is a group of great guys who share common interests. It's our desire to express the tenants of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth." Hopefully how we live our lives as a part of our families and through the various ways our Lodge interacts with our local community, we express these tenants and show those around us that we care, and doing so, we just might help make the world a better place.

If you're interested in finding out more about Perry Lodge No. 185, follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


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