
Showing posts from June, 2021

Roof of the World Lodge No. 1094

  This 1914 photograph shows members from Roof the World Lodge No. 1094 at the summit of Mt. Meiggs in Peru. The Grand Lodge of Scotland chartered the Roof of the World Lodge in Cerro de Pasco, Peru in 1911. Considered the highest Masonic lodge in the world, the group met at an altitude of 14,208 feet above sea level. American executives and engineers employed by various mines and construction camps in Peru made up much of the membership. In 1914 the Lodge requested a special dispensation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland permitting them to hold a regular lodge meeting at the summit of Mt. Meiggs in the Peruvian Andes at an altitude of about 17,575 feet. The dispensation was granted and on August 29, 1914 twenty-six Master Masons held, according to some, the highest regular meeting of its kind in the history of Freemasonry. The photo above commemorates that 1914 meeting. Because of its geographical location, Roof of the World Lodge has always contained a membership of unique diversity.