For so many years Freemasonry has been the center of public and religious controversy, rumors and conspiracy theories. Eventually, Masonry started remaining quite instead of trying to provide a defense against the rumors and theories. The idea being, people's minds won't change not matter what we as Mason's say. Unfortunately, there is some truth to that. But, that is not the topic of this blog.
Personally, before I joined Masonry, I knew nothing about the fraternity. I was raised in a strict Christian home where we were taught that Freemasonry is a secret society and a Satanic cult. They were in opposition to Christianity and part of the Occult. In spite of this teaching, I still had a strong interest in Freemasonry that I couldn't explain.
Being one who is passionate about history, I understood that Freemasons played a major part in the American Revolution and the founding of our country up through the present day. Even though I didn't know much about them, the fact that so many influential men who helped formed such an amazing country were members, made me think that there must be something to this fraternity.
I moved to Salem, Ohio in 2015. I was 25 years old. I couldn't help but notice the Masonic Temple on State Street in the middle of town, which seemed to increase my desire to find out what Freemasonry was all about.
At the beginning of the summer in 2016, I called the Grand Lodge of Ohio to see if I could get contact info for the local lodge and that started my journey in Masonry. I was initiated on September 26, 2016 at Perry Lodge No. 185 in Salem. I am now a 32 degree Scottish Rite Mason and a member of York Rite.
My mind was blown from the very beginning. Not only was it the complete opposite of what many had told me, but it started an exciting new chapter in my life. I've grown so much as an individual since I joined. Not only does Masonry provide me with an amazing brotherhood and trustworthy friends, but the lessons we learn through lodge and from each other has continued to strengthen my personal faith, not detract from it.
Because of books and movies like Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code, the Last Templar and National Treasure, everyone knows the legend of the Knight Templars and King Solomon's treasure. Many have read the stories of the fall of the Templars in 1291 and their later disbanding and execution. Conspiracies that the Freemasons carried on the secrets of the Templars and control the remaining treasure are abundant. In fact, you could probably spend weeks watching the amount of conspiracy videos and movies put out about the Masons.
I like the way Brother Benjamin Franklin summed up the "wealth" of Freemasonry:
For Freemasons, it's not about getting rich, powerful and influencing the government for our benefit. When we read American history we see Masonic brothers like Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, Samuel Adams, Paul Revere, Dr. Joseph Warren, Ethan Allen, Roger Sherman and many more. Many of Washington's spies and generals were also Freemasons.
Contrary to some opinions, the United States was not shaped by Freemasonry. But, many Freemasons did help form this great country. It's easy to believe, that their Masonic experience and values, backed by their faith, is what moved them to step forward and fight for what they believed in. It's easy for us to look back and hold these men, their wives and children up as if they were superheroes. In fact, they were heroes in their own right, but they were also everyday men and women like you and I. They were farmers, business owners, doctors, lawyers and clergymen. The Continental Congress was not made up of experienced politicians, but of hardworking, common men that wanted to make a difference.
The tenants of Freemasonry are Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth. That also extends beyond the fraternity and into our communities. That's why we see so many Masonic lodges that give back to the community whether through food drives, blood drives, donating to charities, etc. Many Masons still serve in government - whether local, state or federal - and in organizations like the Red Cross, American Heart Association, public safety, shelters and food banks because they understand something very important about themselves and Masonry.
The reason why is simple. We realize what the Creator has done for us, and what others do for us and people around them, and bound by our duty as Masons and our faith, we strive to help those in need and support our communities.
So, maybe to the disappointment of some, Freemasonry isn't out to rule the world; it isn't hiding the secret of where King Solomon's gold is hidden. Freemasonry doesn't make you wealthy, powerful or famous. The true gold of Freemasonry is the values, morals and lessons it teaches and the application of them to our personal spiritual lives.
In closing, throughout the years, Freemasonry has impacted generations of leaders, political and religious, and influencers that have changed their local communities, their country and the world. Never underestimate the effect you may have on those around you. Great change always begins with the individual. Focus on making a difference in your local area. If done for the right reasons, before long, it will have a ripple effect.
"The world today requires moral and spiritual regeneration. I have no doubt, after many years as a member of our Order, that Freemasonry can play a part in this vital need."
~ King George VI of England