
Showing posts from September, 2021

20 Years Later; We Still Remember

These are words that we have heard or said so many times that their meaning and impact is nearly forgotten. For many of us these words became popular not long after September 11, 2001. As a nation we made the solemn vow that We Will Never Forget . We would never forget the tragedy. Never forget the fear and discouragement we all felt. Never forget the 2,977 civilians, public safety and military that lost their lives that horrible day. But, unfortunately, an idea we don't often include in the motto Never Forget  is the promise to always remember and strive for the unity that we had shortly after September 11th. From around the country people arrived in New York City in an attempt to somehow help in the midst of all the devastation. Fire Departments, EMS Departments, Red Cross, Salvation Army, and many more sent in volunteers to help. Whether it was searching for people who were missing or serving food to the rescue workers, a compassion for their fellow man was already being shown o