
Showing posts from February, 2023

Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge U.D.

  Written by Worshipful Brother JR Knight, Past Master                          Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge U.D. has been a part of the Southern California area since June 28, 2021.                         The Lodge was founded in 2021 by members of The Invisible Lodge International, which is a "Lodge" of Magical Master Masons that formed in 1953 and includes members from many countries around the world. The founders of the YOC&B Lodge are brothers Randall Brill, Ralph C. Shelton II, William Royce Knight, Robert Pepple, David Benitez, Jonathan Dilley, Jon Gary Rick, Charles Cisneros, Floyd Orr, Adam Hanin, Alexander Rafferty, William Anthony Knight, David Alvarado, Timothy Hammond, Robert Peterson and Frank Banman. The Lodge was formed "to unite California Masonic Magicians" and provide a gathering place for its members to promote personal growth while improving the lives of others. The first Worshipful Master of Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge U.D. was William Ro