
Showing posts from March, 2023

Nevada Masonic Lodge No. 4

  History Written by Worshipful Brother Roy F. Weingarten, PM             What will a man not do for gold? No obstacle is too great, no hardship too severe when there is a reasonable hop that gold may be had for the taking. The streams and hills of Colorado have yielded many fortunes for the hardy adventures who went after them. The search for gold is the story of early Colorado and the story of early Colorado is the story of Masonry in Colorado and Nevada Lodge No. 4.             Ten years after the golden sands of California called in 1848, another wave of excitement, augmented by the success of California, carried eastward. Gold had been discovered at Pike's Peak and the "Prairie Schooner" with its "Pike's Peak or Bust" slogan came to the Rockies. Men flocked to this part of the country, always in search of gold. They first settled at the junction of Cherry Creek and the Platte River which location was then known merely as the "Pike's Peak Region