
Showing posts from May, 2020

My Story: Worshipful Brother Jason W. Short

I became a MM in July 2007. I started to run the chairs and then in 2012 I took a break for personal reasons. I came back and started the chairs again eventually becoming Master at Negley in 2018. I also became the President of the 24th District Association in 2018. The next year I became Worshipful Master of Jenkins Lodge #471. In 2019 I was given the honor of being a face of Ohio Freemasonry. In the same year I became a District Education Officer for the 24th District. I am a member of Negley, Allen and Jenkins Lodges. I am a member of the York Rite in Youngstown, Ohio and Scottish Rite Valley of Steubenville. I belong to Eastern Star, the Knight Masons of Ireland and the Grotto. I am also an Ohio Masonic Home Ambassador and Volunteer. The people you meet and the stories you share are just a small part of the larger puzzle. Masonry has taught me to be a better person, a better leader and a better father. It has helped me tone down my somewhat wild personality and think about the choi

Kindness Will Never Be Outdated

I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that it feels as if this quarantine has lasted forever. Many of us have had to use our imaginations in a way that we haven't done since we were children. We have no option but to do our Spring Cleaning. Outside things like gardens, flowerbeds and woodworking projects are getting done like never before. Many of us are getting use to seeing faces over video chat or hearing familiar voices over the phone instead of seeing each other in person. Some of us are missing "good old conversation". Others might even be enjoying the seclusion and are thankful for not having to mingle with the general public any more than necessary. However you feel about the quarantine (whether you think it is right or wrong), remember that an individual's actions and attitude, now more than ever, show the true character of each one of us. How you treat the person who accidentally rubs against you at Walmart or Home Depot, or react to the person who rude