Tuesday, May 12, 2020
My Story: Worshipful Brother Jason W. Short
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Kindness Will Never Be Outdated
I think I speak for a lot of us when I say that it feels as if this quarantine has lasted forever. Many of us have had to use our imaginations in a way that we haven't done since we were children. We have no option but to do our Spring Cleaning. Outside things like gardens, flowerbeds and woodworking projects are getting done like never before.
Many of us are getting use to seeing faces over video chat or hearing familiar voices over the phone instead of seeing each other in person. Some of us are missing "good old conversation". Others might even be enjoying the seclusion and are thankful for not having to mingle with the general public any more than necessary.
However you feel about the quarantine (whether you think it is right or wrong), remember that an individual's actions and attitude, now more than ever, show the true character of each one of us. How you treat the person who accidentally rubs against you at Walmart or Home Depot, or react to the person who rudely coughs and sneezes on you while buying groceries shows those around you what kind of person you really are. When something unexpected happens or someone makes a rude comment is your first reaction kindness, or do you you snap back and think about launching something at them. In the life of a Mason, kindness should a defining trait of who you are.Unfortunately many of us can say that they personally know Masons who care about no one other than themselves. There are others who, because they have the title of Warden, Master, Past Master, etc., they deserve more respect than the other brethren in the Lodge. If we, as brothers, have trouble treating each other with kindness and respect, then how can we go about our daily lives treating our fellow man with kindness.
Most of us are proud to be a Mason and display symbols on our cars, homes, clothes, etc. And we most certainty should be proud. But, are you proud just to have the title "Freemason" and to tell people you're a member of "secret society", or are you proud of what the fraternity represents and how it has changed you life?In everything you do and in everywhere you go, remember you represent a fraternity who stands for brotherly love, relief and truth. Your actions may determine how someone views our fraternity.
Nevada Masonic Lodge No. 4
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