
Showing posts from February, 2021

Our Fixed Point of Reference

Let’s imagine I am in a humongous, dark room. It’s a featureless room. It doesn’t even have corners in it. It has round walls. The whole point of that is, I don't even know where I am. I’m feeling my way around in this room. I’m groping around in the darkness, trying to find where I am. Suddenly, I feel something in front of me. It’s a chair! Yes! Ah! Yes! It has … it has legs and it has braces and it has a back. It’s a chair! Ah! Good! Now I can sit here. At least I know where I am. I’m in the chair. Ah, it’s a good feeling! It’s a home base. I can navigate from this chair. All I have to do I carry this chair with me and I'll always know where I am. If you found yourself laughing it may be you realize how ridiculous this illustration is because you know that no fixed point of reference is going to do you any good unless it has two factors: 1) it has to be separate from youself, and 2) it cannot move. As soon as I pick it up and make it a part of my me, make it a pa