
Showing posts from February, 2022
Perry Lodge No. 185 Belated Happy New Year, Brethren! Thanks  to Brother Brian Whitehill for hosting a "Cool" bonfire October 16th. Temps were a bit chilly but the bonfire was blazing and the dogs were hot, and we watched college football on the big screen outside. Our Election and Installation of Officers were held on November 3rd and December 8th respectively. Our new officers are: Dan Lewis - Worshipful Master; Brian Mint - Senior Warden; Michael Caldwell - Junior Warden; Jim Forney - Treasurer; Ted Lyda - Secretary; Brent Spangler - Senior Deacon; Ryan Barrett - Junior Deacon; Mat Arnoto - Senior Steward; Garrett Yoder - Junior Steward; Jerry Lyda, Jr.  - Tyler; Steve Faber - Chaplain; Brad Lankford - Lodge Education Officer. Congratulations to all! THANKS! After Installation of Officers, Most Worshipful Brother Kevin Todd, Past Grand Master of Ohio, presented service pins and certificates to WB Freddie Henderson (60 yr) and retired Colonel Bob McCluggage (65 yr) to recog