
Showing posts from April, 2022

Month In Review

Perry Lodge No. 185 A Month In Review One Day Class Taken by W.B. Jim Hall on March 26, 2022 On March 26, 2022 New Lisbon Lodge No. 65 hosted a One Day Class as a part of our Grand Master M.W.B. Tim Wheeland’s plan for state-wide One Day Classes on the 26th. As a result of the Class, Perry Lodge had three candidates raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Congratulations to our newest Master Masons: Delbert McCallister, Jason Caldwell and Aldo Polverine II. We look forward to what Masonry has in store for them! Perry Lodge’s Annual Inspection Taken by Chelsea Barrett on December 8, 2022 Perry Lodge’s Annual Inspection was held at the Salem Masonic Temple on Wednesday March 30, 2022 in the Master Mason degree. The officers and Fellowcraft Team did very well in their presentation of the degree work. Our most distinguished guest that night was District Deputy Grand Master Anthony Boggs, representing Most Worshipful Brother Timothy Wheeland, Grand Master of Masons of Ohio; who serv