My Story: Worshipful Brother James R. Hall, R.S.S.

I joined our great fraternity on August 28, 2013 at East Palestine Lodge No. 417.

About 14 years earlier I had expressed interest in Freemasonry to my girlfriend (currently my wife). She said I should look into it but, as many find out, I didn’t know who to talk to.

Fast forward to July 2013 I had the chance to work with WB Ryan Cresanto for the day delivering furniture. We talked about everything there was, Lodge wise. By the end of the day I had filled out a petition and had it turned back in! Before I knew it, I was on my journey to the East!

I became Master of East Palestine Lodge No. 417 for the 2019 year. In the same year I was also chosen by the Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction to be featured in their 28 Days of Masons. This was where a different Mason from the 15 states is highlighted each day.

Along with being part of the Valley of Youngstown Scottish Rite, I am also a member of the Youngstown York Rite bodies and petitioned the Al Koran Shrine/Youngstown Shrine Club (on hold due to Covid). I was also inducted as the 12th Brother accepted into the Royal Scofield Society at Grand Lodge in Marietta last year. I was proud to be 1 of the 14 Masons from across the state of Ohio to be inducted into the Inaugural Class and is the reason why I am currently serving as Chancellor of East Palestine No. 417, 1st Vice - President of the 24th Masonic District Association, District Prospect Manager, and Social Media Chair of the Royal Scofield Society.

I can truly say that Freemasonry has changed my life! It has instilled a sense of self confidence that wasn’t there before. It has also given me so many great friends and memories from across the district and state. If I could have changed one thing in my journey it would have been to have started this journey earlier! The saying “The more you put into it, the more you get out of it” is a perfect saying for Freemasons! I’ve put so much into it and have been rewarded ten fold for that. The beauty of it all is that we have so many Brothers across the district, state and world and they’re all in your corner. They all want what is best for you and vice versa.

I’ve never regretted a day that I’ve been a Freemason and look forward to inspiring new Masons everyday!!


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