
Nevada Masonic Lodge No. 4

  History Written by Worshipful Brother Roy F. Weingarten, PM             What will a man not do for gold? No obstacle is too great, no hardship too severe when there is a reasonable hop that gold may be had for the taking. The streams and hills of Colorado have yielded many fortunes for the hardy adventures who went after them. The search for gold is the story of early Colorado and the story of early Colorado is the story of Masonry in Colorado and Nevada Lodge No. 4.             Ten years after the golden sands of California called in 1848, another wave of excitement, augmented by the success of California, carried eastward. Gold had been discovered at Pike's Peak and the "Prairie Schooner" with its "Pike's Peak or Bust" slogan came to the Rockies. Men flocked to this part of the country, always in search of gold. They first settled at the junction of Cherry Creek and the Platte River which location was then known merely as the "Pike's Peak Region

Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge U.D.

  Written by Worshipful Brother JR Knight, Past Master                          Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge U.D. has been a part of the Southern California area since June 28, 2021.                         The Lodge was founded in 2021 by members of The Invisible Lodge International, which is a "Lodge" of Magical Master Masons that formed in 1953 and includes members from many countries around the world. The founders of the YOC&B Lodge are brothers Randall Brill, Ralph C. Shelton II, William Royce Knight, Robert Pepple, David Benitez, Jonathan Dilley, Jon Gary Rick, Charles Cisneros, Floyd Orr, Adam Hanin, Alexander Rafferty, William Anthony Knight, David Alvarado, Timothy Hammond, Robert Peterson and Frank Banman. The Lodge was formed "to unite California Masonic Magicians" and provide a gathering place for its members to promote personal growth while improving the lives of others. The first Worshipful Master of Ye Olde Cup & Ball Lodge U.D. was William Ro

Month In Review

Perry Lodge No. 185 A Month In Review One Day Class Taken by W.B. Jim Hall on March 26, 2022 On March 26, 2022 New Lisbon Lodge No. 65 hosted a One Day Class as a part of our Grand Master M.W.B. Tim Wheeland’s plan for state-wide One Day Classes on the 26th. As a result of the Class, Perry Lodge had three candidates raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. Congratulations to our newest Master Masons: Delbert McCallister, Jason Caldwell and Aldo Polverine II. We look forward to what Masonry has in store for them! Perry Lodge’s Annual Inspection Taken by Chelsea Barrett on December 8, 2022 Perry Lodge’s Annual Inspection was held at the Salem Masonic Temple on Wednesday March 30, 2022 in the Master Mason degree. The officers and Fellowcraft Team did very well in their presentation of the degree work. Our most distinguished guest that night was District Deputy Grand Master Anthony Boggs, representing Most Worshipful Brother Timothy Wheeland, Grand Master of Masons of Ohio; who serv
Perry Lodge No. 185 Belated Happy New Year, Brethren! Thanks  to Brother Brian Whitehill for hosting a "Cool" bonfire October 16th. Temps were a bit chilly but the bonfire was blazing and the dogs were hot, and we watched college football on the big screen outside. Our Election and Installation of Officers were held on November 3rd and December 8th respectively. Our new officers are: Dan Lewis - Worshipful Master; Brian Mint - Senior Warden; Michael Caldwell - Junior Warden; Jim Forney - Treasurer; Ted Lyda - Secretary; Brent Spangler - Senior Deacon; Ryan Barrett - Junior Deacon; Mat Arnoto - Senior Steward; Garrett Yoder - Junior Steward; Jerry Lyda, Jr.  - Tyler; Steve Faber - Chaplain; Brad Lankford - Lodge Education Officer. Congratulations to all! THANKS! After Installation of Officers, Most Worshipful Brother Kevin Todd, Past Grand Master of Ohio, presented service pins and certificates to WB Freddie Henderson (60 yr) and retired Colonel Bob McCluggage (65 yr) to recog

A New Masonic Year

  Perry Lodge 171st Annual Installation Back Row: WB Jim Forney; WB Ron Lankford; WB Tom Wright;  WM Dan Lewis;  JW Michael Caldwell; WB Alonzo Potts - Front Row:  WB Jim Hall; JS Garrett Yoder; JD Ryan Barrett; WB Steve Faber; SW Brian Mint; Br. Jerry Lyda, Jr.; SD Brent Spangler; MWB Kevin Todd; RWB Anthony Boggs; WB Rik Linebaugh On Wednesday December 8, 2021 Perry Lodge No. 185 hosted their 171st Installation of Officers at the Salem Masonic Temple in Salem, Ohio. In a ceremony open to the public, the new officers were installed into their positions, many in the presence of some of their family and friends. Toward the end of the ceremony Worshipful Master Dan Lewis gave the officers the opportunity to show appreciation to family and friends that came with them that night to give their support. Men graciously pointed out their wives, fiances, children, parents and brethren. As easy as it may be to overlook sometimes, Masons would not be able to accomplish what we do, or have the br

Happy Holidays from Perry Lodge

  Thanksgiving is over and the turkey leftovers have been eaten or left to the garbage disposal. The time of anxious shopping and rushing around is upon us once again. Christmas lights are everywhere. The occasional, and beautiful falling snow. Christmas music is playing in the stores and restaurants. The Salvation Army with their ringing bells and red kettles. Santa in the parade, the mall...and soon to be in your house. Hot cocoa and Christmas trees. It's truly a season of magic. Those of us who are parents, especially of young children, love the look they get on their faces when they see Santa in the parade or at the mall, or the excitement they get on Christmas morning as they rush into the living room to find their presents  underneath the tree. You can see the light in their eyes as they tear the wrapping paper off the gifts just waiting to see what's inside. If you're a spouse, or have a partner, just watching him or her open that special, perfect gift that you actua